Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Photoshoot planning document

Media Studies – Foundation Portfolio

Photo shoot planning document


What emotional impact do you want your photography do have upon the reader and how will you achieve this?

 I want to create a moody feel on my front cover.  I will do this by using a black and white filter on my image. The subject will also have a very glum facial expresion.

What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?

I will only need a model, I will cover the set up and photography. I am going to photograph my 17 year old brother.

What props will you need?
I will be using a table, books, candle, cigarette box and a notebook.

How are you going to emphasise colour?
I will edit the levels etc on photoshop once the photograph has been taken.

Have you briefed your personnel/models?
I have informed my model of what the photograph will be used for and the facial expressions and mannerisms I would like him to adopt for the image


What lighting will you need? Any other equipment?
I will use lighting from a lamp, I wil also be using a tripod for the camera.


Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?

I will be shootng in a study in my house. A backdrop would not be neccissary.

Mise-en-scene - Make-up? Costumes? Props?

a series of books, a notebook, cigarettes, a table and a candle will all be used as props. the model will be fitted in a shirt and a watch as a costume.

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