The masthead used for the contents page of NME is not the magazine's masthead, this could imply that the brand is so well known that it is not neccissary to place it on every page. The contents page is clearly identififed by the text 'Inside this week' it is also that of a large, bold font. The general sophisticated, neat layout of the whole page adds quality to the magazine, thus mirroring its intended audience (older)
This contents page consists predomintely of images. A subscription box is also placed in the bottom right corner - the last place a reader would look, relating to how we read from left to right, top to bottom.This is solely used with the intention to make the reader want to subscribe.
Text is used minimally in this page with NME instead opting to channel all information mainly through images for reader convenience. The text on the page also makes use of a few different fonts, with bold and italics used frequently, causing it to stand out to the reader. The use of larger texts and placement proves a means that the page has equal amount of text/images when in truth, it does not.
Rocksound magazine; the layout of this magazine is different to the first NME magazine.
The first recognisable difference is this content page includes seperate columns, one for images and one for text, compared to NME magazine which was plastered all around. The left column consists of text, BOW text. The contents have been split into 4 different sections, Regulars, Exposure, Features and reviews this allows the readers to easily find an article they want to read. Although both content pages have similarities, they both have simple and effective colour schemes (red, white and black).
The masthead is also placed onto this page, in comparision to NME where it is not, this could be perhaps because this magazine is not as well known.
This magazine used more red for each sub-heading whereas the NME magazine used more black, this has gave each magazine a different look so they may appeal to different readers, i.e younger readers as the colour scheme is not very sophisticated and quite adolenscent.
KERRANG magazine. The first noticeable difference compared to Rocksound is that this content page includes more images, similar to nme but not quite to the same effect as text plays more of a part here and is quite small.
The masthead clearly identifies what this page is 'Contents' in a large yellow text, accompanied by it's own border and background so not to blend in with the background.
This contents page is more broken down as each page has a brief description of what it will it include, something that stands out compared to the others.
It is also laid out in chronological order, 1 - 2 etc, compared to NME where it is just scattered around in no order.
The colour yellow is noticably used quite frequently, this is to make sub-headings stand out among the crowd of images and text.
This page also features a message from the editor which gives quite a personal feel.