Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Double-page spread analysis

 NME double page spread, in this instance the subject image helps convey a sense of gloom and depression, (which fits in well with the article – interview) Due to the sizing of the photo and the fact it has been positioned on he left side of the page, the audience are immediately draw to it due to how we read from left to right.

Adjacent to the photograph is a quote from the interview in huge font, alternating between the colours black and grey the black highlighting the words that they want to stand out the most. The colour scheme is consistent throughout the page, the colour scheme uses simplistic, neutral colours. All the text on the page is in a very dimly lit grey or black and even though the background is lit with white it is still a very grey like shade to go along with the overall gloomy feel generated by image and the interview itself.

The image and article are also seperatated which is convient for the readers and gives off a sophisticated feel.


The image of Jay-Z takes up one page of the double page spread and as a result it establishes his presence on the article - a visual representation of what the article on the right will be about. 

This double page article left page is a whole image of the artist featured in the magazine and the right page is of the article, this makes the double page article look sophisticated and mature as it separates the text from the artist, the reader’s will see the image of the artist first and decide whether they want to read the next page.

The left page is very plain as it little text. In the image he is wearing sunglasses inside, concealing his eyes which could be an indiciated that regardless of what the page on the right says there is still more than meets the eye to the image, very mysterious. On the right page, the colour scheme is very plain, the only thing which stands out is the large drop capital featured behind the article text in red, something which compliments the red artificial light used on the subject in the image.

On the right top hand corner there is a sub heading of the artists name, albeit in small text. The columns consist of small text and of a large quantity, giving more sophistication to the text and may appeal more to the older reader as younger readers do not particularily want to be inundated with text.



The text is much more organised and in a consistent sans serif font, with a bold "I" to signify the start of the article. This is almost the house style for NME, judging by their logo. Her name is highlighted in red in the blurb like text underneath the quotation, emphasising that the article is about her.
This magazine spread uses three main colours, black, white and red. For all the readers that know of Lily Allen will know what type of charecter she is; very loud, bold and 'in your face.'
The main image on this double page spread is of Lily Allen (who this article is about.) This image is near the right hand side of the article, leaving the rest of the page to hold the text, however she slightly interferes with the text, mirroring her 'in your face' personality.
Her body language and facial expression shows that she has something too say, this is supported by the headline 'people think im an attention seeker, but im just honest' this headline is obviously a quote from what Lily herself has said. This headline is shown to be made out of letters from newspapers, giving the impression that they are the one ssaying that
The subheading is bold compared to the actual article itself, having 'Lily Allen' in red compared too the rest of the sub-heading which is in black shows the reader what this article is about. The article is set out in colunms, making it easy to read but still holding all the infomation it needs.

1 comment:

  1. Callum, you have completed your deconstructions for your front covers, contents pages and double page spreads, with some good use of key media terminology. You have identified the key features, discussed some connotations of colours, images etc, and compared and contrasted your chosen text. There are a few spelling and grammatical errors, and the formatting on the contents post seems to have went awry. I would also suggest summarising your research, stating how it has informed your own ideas for your music magazine.
