Friday, 24 October 2014

Proposal Table Stage 2


Proposal Form



Describe your idea for the brief:
My magazine will have a very smart, tidy layout, presented with a pleasing proportion of both text and images.
The level of sophistication of the text will be a mixture, featuring: formal, informal and humorous pieces.
The main focus of the magazine will be centred around a festival review (Leeds to be precise)
Genre/ sub genre: list similar texts which have inspired your thoughts
Rock/indie will be the orientation of my genre.
Q and NME will be of some inspiration when creating my magazine.
Target audience: gender/ age/ characteristics/ behaviour
I will be targeting a range of ages, ranging from 16 – 35.  My gender target audience will be neutral.
Obviously, it will only appeal to those with similar music taste to what the magazine is offering.
Major conventions I will use
I will include pretty much the generic layout of a traditional magazine i.e.: the masthead cemented in the top left hand corner, an image covering the whole page complimented with a cover-line just below the centre. Cover lines wll be along the left hand side and potentially the right also. I will include: date, issue number, price and bar code also.
Original images: what/ where/ what
I will also take a picture of a model, posing in a particular manner for my front cover.
Leeds festival – whilst there I took images of certain bands playing that I will include in my magazine (festival review – double spread)
Potential difficulties/ Plan B:
An obstacle I may potentially face is a malfunctioning computer; whilst creating my work my computer may shut down or freeze and result in the loss of work. A way to prevent this from happening would be to save my work frequently.
Another difficulty would be if the model I am using or my cover does not turn up or is hit will illness, consequently leaving me without a front cover. A way to avoid this would be to have a backup model.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Premilarily Task Flat Plan

I have designed my Flat Plan main cover on Word using shapes and text.
I included the main features of a magazine cover. I have opted to position the Masthead at the top in the centre so it is easily identified. I have also chosen to centre the main image as it is the main selling point and by centring it, and making it of a large scale it will be easily noticed and identified.

For my contents I have opted to use a neat, easy to navigate format. with the masthead at the top so you know specificially what page you are on and what exactly will be on it. The magazine navigation guide will be placed on the left hand side as the eyes tend to be drawn to the left hand side first. I have also placed 2 images which will both include page numbers on them representing the given picture. I have also included the images so the page is not predominantly text based as I see it as being unappealing.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

AS Coursework Proposal Table - Stage 1

Type of Magazine (genre)  - Rock.

Name of Magazine  - TBC.

Audience (Male/Female) - Both, Age rage 15 - 30.

Audience (attitudes and interests) - TBC.

Outlet (where it can be bought from?) - Supermarkets, Newsagents, Online.

Necessary Information - Price: £2.50, Weekly, Issue number.

Selling Point - No pompous/pretentious text.

Theme (article) - Festival Review.

Images Front Cover - Mid shot of singer.

Images Inside - Live Photos.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Photoshop Skills Development

 To improve my particular skills using photoshop I followed certain instructions in developing a photo of Bob Dylan (above). The orginal, unntouched image of Bob Dylan was accompanied with a mere grey scale background. To edit the background I used the magic wand tool to highlight the specific areas I wanted to delete; once selected I removed them from the image. Next, I created a new layer and created a shape the same size of the image and moved the layer below the original and used this to change the colour of the background. I then proceed to tidy up te image by rubbing out strands of the subjects hair to tidy it up. I then created a text box and included the name of the magazine and altered it's position, font and colour. Finally, I added a bar code in the bottom right corner.
To put my newfound skills to the test i designed my very own magazine cover. First I selected an image to use and used the magic wand to select the parts i wanted to alter, in the case it was the background - I wanted to keep the plain background but the colour seemed to dull, so once I had selected it I used the levels to increase the brightness. I then selected the text box tool and created my masthead, main heading and sub headings. I used various different bright colours to catch the attention of the intended audience and finished it off with a bar code placed in the bottom left hand corner. 

Inspirational Texts

I have done my research and have deciede what genre of music my magazine will be - indie rock. These are a few of the bands that will feature in my magazine.

Key Features of a Magazine Cover

I have found this image by googling 'NME' and I have added the main features of a magazine around it.

Masthead - The masthead is the title of the magazine and typically found in the top left corner of the page.

Colour - The colour scheme is used in order to make the magazine more attractive to the customer.

Main Image - The main image is nearly always in the center of the page, it is used to give the magazine an identity. It also used to attract interest.

Main Coverline - This gives the reader insight into what is inside the magazine, and outlines what will be in the article. Provides an enigma.

Sub-head - The sub-head explains the enigma a little, it is written in a smaller font underneath the main coverline.

Essential Info - This is information including date, price etc. It is usually beside the bar code.

Bar Code - Usually found in the bottom left or right corner of the magazine, it is used to scan the magazine when purchased.

Coverlines - These give a little bit of insight as to what is inside the magazine.

Coursework Brief

Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate your grasp of DTP.

Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group must produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style).