Friday, 3 October 2014

Photoshop Skills Development

 To improve my particular skills using photoshop I followed certain instructions in developing a photo of Bob Dylan (above). The orginal, unntouched image of Bob Dylan was accompanied with a mere grey scale background. To edit the background I used the magic wand tool to highlight the specific areas I wanted to delete; once selected I removed them from the image. Next, I created a new layer and created a shape the same size of the image and moved the layer below the original and used this to change the colour of the background. I then proceed to tidy up te image by rubbing out strands of the subjects hair to tidy it up. I then created a text box and included the name of the magazine and altered it's position, font and colour. Finally, I added a bar code in the bottom right corner.
To put my newfound skills to the test i designed my very own magazine cover. First I selected an image to use and used the magic wand to select the parts i wanted to alter, in the case it was the background - I wanted to keep the plain background but the colour seemed to dull, so once I had selected it I used the levels to increase the brightness. I then selected the text box tool and created my masthead, main heading and sub headings. I used various different bright colours to catch the attention of the intended audience and finished it off with a bar code placed in the bottom left hand corner. 

1 comment:

  1. Callum, you have successfully completed the task, using layers to place the masthead behind the main image, adding text and following the set criteria to produce your final image.

    I would suggest updating the post to explain why you have created these images, and also a write up of the process / tools you used.
