Friday, 3 October 2014

Key Features of a Magazine Cover

I have found this image by googling 'NME' and I have added the main features of a magazine around it.

Masthead - The masthead is the title of the magazine and typically found in the top left corner of the page.

Colour - The colour scheme is used in order to make the magazine more attractive to the customer.

Main Image - The main image is nearly always in the center of the page, it is used to give the magazine an identity. It also used to attract interest.

Main Coverline - This gives the reader insight into what is inside the magazine, and outlines what will be in the article. Provides an enigma.

Sub-head - The sub-head explains the enigma a little, it is written in a smaller font underneath the main coverline.

Essential Info - This is information including date, price etc. It is usually beside the bar code.

Bar Code - Usually found in the bottom left or right corner of the magazine, it is used to scan the magazine when purchased.

Coverlines - These give a little bit of insight as to what is inside the magazine.

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