Thursday, 23 October 2014

Premilarily Task Flat Plan

I have designed my Flat Plan main cover on Word using shapes and text.
I included the main features of a magazine cover. I have opted to position the Masthead at the top in the centre so it is easily identified. I have also chosen to centre the main image as it is the main selling point and by centring it, and making it of a large scale it will be easily noticed and identified.

For my contents I have opted to use a neat, easy to navigate format. with the masthead at the top so you know specificially what page you are on and what exactly will be on it. The magazine navigation guide will be placed on the left hand side as the eyes tend to be drawn to the left hand side first. I have also placed 2 images which will both include page numbers on them representing the given picture. I have also included the images so the page is not predominantly text based as I see it as being unappealing.

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